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About Erinova Group AB

The Swedish corporate group Erinova Group is a private limited company consisting of five sister companies. These companies supply the Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish industries, focusing on increased reliability and profitability through expert services and high-quality products. Erinova Group currently has over 100 employees and in 2022 had a turnover of 231 million SEK.

AAA Logo

Founded: 2015
Turnover 2022: 231 million SEK
Number of employees: about 100
Markets: Sweden, Norway & Finland
Head quarter: Gothenburg, Sweden

Established portfolio with leading global brands and own innovations.

Stable growth and profitability through a strong customer offering.

Strong position as a supplier and expertise for increased industry availability.

Attractive employer with significant career opportunities.

Solid owners and an experienced board.

"You Got More" Erinova slogan

industrial capacity

The companies within Erinova Group optimize the
capacity of industrial companies’ facilities through
world-class expertise and products. This way, the
customer gets more out of what they already have.

The companies within Erinova Group AB

MLT Logo

MLT Machine & Laser technology AB
MLT makes factory production more reliable through world-class industrial measurement technology and dedicated staff. With measurement instruments and 3D scanning tools, the status of machines and the quality of products are measured. The goal is to achieve greater availability and ensure the best possible output. MLT offers products and services on the Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish market.

Protoma Logo

Protoma Professional Technology of Maintenance AB
Protoma makes factories more reliable and safe through optimal sealing of gases and liquids. With industry-leading sealing products and services, along with a complete focus on safety, Protoma assist facilities with everything from preventive maintenance to emergency corrective actions. The customer result is higher availability and increased production capacity. Protoma offers products and services on the Swedish market.

relcon logo

Relcon Reliability Consulting AB
Relcon enhances the availability and capacity of factories through risk-based maintenance, providing better overall economy within existing resources. Through their own developed software product RBUS as well as high expertise, and extensive experience, the company assist industrial facilities in implementing world-class, value-driven maintenance.

Runtime logo

Runtime Engineering AB
Runtime Engineering makes factories more profitable and sustainable through energy optimization of the facilities’ most critical machinery. The company operates on the Swedish and Norwegian market and offers industrial fans that are designed for optimal lifespan under harsh conditions as well as correct spare parts, regardless of the brand. Runtime also assists customers through service, problem-solving, and inspection work.

Pure Signal logo

pureSignal of Sweden AB
pureSignal offers pioneering wireless monitoring. The long range sensors provides high quality measured data with a uniquely great range. Meaning the customer don’t have to choose between quality and range. pureSignals AI intelligence interprets what is wrong with machines, the origin of the problem and what to do about it. Saving customers both time and money, while giving nonstop machine reliability. pureSignal works on the global market.

Our markets

Erinova Group's over 100 employees work in 12 cities across the Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish markets to increase operational reliability, availability, and product quality in their customers' facilities. The headquarter is located in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Ångpannegatan 6

417 05, Gothenburg


Map of Sweden with dots representing locations


Reach Erinova Group's spokespersons for media and investor related matters.